Page 9 - ICSE Math 6
P. 9

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  All the above concepts are                                      •  Presenting daily life situations
                      to be embedded in children’s                                       and pictures to introduce fractions
                      contexts so that it brings out                                     and decimals like representing
                      the significance and provide                                       part of a whole as number, a dot
                      motivation to the child for                                        mark placed to separate rupees
                      learning these ideas                                               and paisa, meter and centimetre,
                                                                                         kilometre and meter, litre and
                                                                                         millilitre etc.
                                                                                        •  Encouraging children to look at
                                                                                         the pictures showing sum and
                                                                                         difference of like fractions and to
                                                                                        •  Letting children work on their
                                                                                         own to evolve and understand
                                                                                         that to add or subtract two unlike
                                                                                         fractions it is required to convert
                                                                                         them into equivalent fractions
                                                                                         of same denominators (like
                                                          Ratio and Proportion

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Difference between fraction and   Students will be able to:    •   Revising previous concepts learnt
                      ratio                           •   understand how the comparison   by children
                     •   Concept of Ratio               of two quantities through ratio is   •   Building on children’s previous
                     •   Proportion as equality of two   different from comparisons done   learning
                      ratios.                           earlier;                        •   Presenting situations before the
                     •    Unitary method (with only direct   •   explain the meaning of   children that would prompt them
                      variation implied)              •   know how ratio and proportion   to form patterns and feel the need
                     •   Word problems on ratio and     are related to unitary method;   for a symbol in place of number
                      proportions                     •   solve problems related to daily   •   Organising discussions in the
                     •   Idea of percent as fraction with   life using unitary method;   class to show different methods
                      100 as denominator              •   try to construct examples that   of comparison of quantities are
                     •   Idea of speed and simple daily   require the concept of ratio   helpful in different situation(s)
                      life problems related to speed,   •   solve problems related to speed,   •   Encouraging children to create
                      time and distance                 distance and time.               examples to show the difference
                                                                                         between comparison of quantities
                                                                                         done through operation of
                                                                                         subtraction and that through
                                                                                         division (ratio)
                                                                                        •   Encouraging children to frame
                                                                                         and solve problems on unitary
                                                                                         method to understand unit of
                                                                                         which quantity is to be found
                                                                                        •   Providing situations to children
                                                                                         to find out the rate and the total
                                                                                         amount in related context using
                                                                                         unitary method
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