Page 13 - ICSE Math 6
P. 13

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Perimeter of a rectangle—and its                               •   Encouraging children
                      special case—a square                                              to find perimeter of different
                     •   Deducing the formula of the                                     rectangles and evolving the rule to
                      perimeter for a rectangle and                                      find perimeter of ant rectangle like
                      then a square through pattern and                                 •   Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(sum
                      generalisation                                                     of the measure of its two adjacent
                                                                                         sides) = 2(l + b)
                                                                                        •   Forming small groups of 3–4
                                                                                         children to evolve ways to find the
                                                                                         measure of a region enclosed by
                                                                                         a closed shape on a plane surface.
                                                                                         This discussion will lead to
                                                                                         understanding the concept of area
                                                                                        •   Encouraging children through
                                                                                         small hints to drive the rule/
                                                                                         formula to find the area of a
                                                                                         rectangle when the two adjacent
                                                                                         sides are known
                                                                                        •   Providing opportunities to frame
                                                                                         and solve simple daily life
                                                                                         problems involving perimeter and
                                                                                         area of rectangular regions
                                                              Data Handling

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Collection of data to examine a   Students will be able to:    •    Revising previous concepts learnt
                      hypothesis                      •   understand the use of organizing   by children
                     •   Collection and organisation of   data;                         •   Building on children’s previous
                      data—examples of organising it   •   represent data through        learning
                      in tally bars and a table         pictograph, bar graph;          •   Discussing daily life situations
                     •   Pictograph—Need for scaling   •    identify patterns in numbers and   involving quantitative
                      in pictographs interpretation &   shapes;                          information and its presentation
                      construction of pictograph      •   identify daily life situations in   •    Encouraging children through
                     •   Construction of bar graphs for   which the information is required   discussion (whole class/in small
                                                        to be properly arranged;
                      given data interpreting bar graphs  •    explore different ways to organise   groups) to reason out why data
                     •    Mean and median of data       and represent data;              should be organised. Children
                      not having more than ten        •    appreciate the need for finding   can be motivated to use their own
                      observations                      a representative value for given   ways in organizing data
                                                        data;                           •    Asking children to explore their
                                                      •   find mean and median of data   own ways of representing the
                                                        having not more than ten         data in the form of diagrams/
                                                        observations.                    pictures (Bar Graph) and in tables
                                                                                         of numbers
                                                                                        •    Providing children various
                                                                                         situations for interpreting data
                                                                                         given in tabular or pictorial form
                                                                                         like newspaper cuttings, TV
                                                                                         programmes etc.
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