Page 12 - ICSE Math 6
P. 12

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Symmetry: (reflection)                                         •   Encouraging children to construct
                        Observation and identification                                    perpendicular bisector of line
                       of 2D symmetrical objects for                                      segment and angles of measure
                       reflection symmetry                                                30 , 15 , 45 , etc.
                        Operation of reflection (taking                                 •   Appreciating children efforts in
                       mirror images) of simple 2D                                        making angles to let them evolve
                       objects                                                            methods of constructing angles
                        Recognising reflection                                            like 75 °
                       symmetry (identifying axes)
                     •   Constructions (using Straight
                      edge Scale, protractor,
                         Drawing of a line segment
                         Perpendicular bisector
                          Construction of angles (using
                          Angle 60°, 120° (using
                          Angle bisector—making angles
                        of 30°, 45°, 90° etc. (using
                          Angle equal to a given angle
                        (using compass)
                          Drawing a line perpendicular to
                        a given line from a point
                          (a) on the line
                          (b) outside the line
                         Construction of circle

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Concept of perimeter and     Students will be able to:         •    Revising previous concepts learnt
                      introduction to area            •   describe the concept of perimeter   by children
                     •    Introduction and general      of various shapes;              •   Building on children’s previous
                      understanding of perimeter using   •   demonstrate the idea of area and   learning
                      many shapes                       volume of shapes;               •    Showing different shapes and
                     •   Shapes of different kinds with the   •   calculate the perimeter of   through the notion of boundary,
                      same perimeter                    different shapes given, she tries to   the concept of perimeter can be
                                                        formulate the perimeter of shapes
                     •    Concept of area, Area of a    like rectangle, square;           discussed
                      rectangle and a square          •    calculate the areas of rectangle   •   Organising discussion
                     •    Conversion of units (Mass, time,   and square by dividing them into   in the classroom on the
                      money, and capacity) from to      appropriate smaller units, she tries   measurement of boundary of a
                      smaller to larger and vice versa  to think of such small units;     closed shape (2D) and naming
                     •    Counter examples to different   •    use conversion of units of mass,   this measure as perimeter.
                      misconcepts related to perimeter   money, time, and capacity in
                      and area                          different daily life situations.
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