Page 8 - ICSE Math 6
P. 8

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •  Revision of what a fraction is                                  •  Conducting activities with paper
                     •   Fraction as a part of whole                                     folding to show the product of
                     •  Representation of fractions                                      two fractions as ‘of’ e.g., 2 × 4 as
                      (pictorially and on number line)                                   two-thirds of four-fifths
                     •   Fraction as a division                                         •  Encouraging children to
                                                                                         demonstrate similar such products
                     •  Proper, improper & mixed                                         by paper folding and to generalise
                      fractions                                                          that product of two fractions can
                     •  Equivalent fractions                                             be obtained by multiplying the
                     •  Comparison of fractions                                          numerators to get numerator and
                     •   Operations on fractions                                         denominator can be obtained by
                      (Avoid large and complicated                                       multiplying denominators
                      unnecessary tasks) (Moving
                      towards abstraction in fractions)
                     •  Review of the idea of a decimal
                     •  Place value in the context of
                      decimal fraction
                     •  Inter conversion of fractions and
                      decimal fractions (avoid recurring
                      decimals at this stage)
                     •  Word problems involving
                      addition and subtraction of
                      decimals (two operations together
                      on money, mass, length and
                     Playing with Numbers
                     •   Simplification of brackets                                     •   Encouraging children to create
                     •  Multiples and factors                                            number patterns through which
                     •   Divisibility rule of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,                             HCF and LCM can be discussed
                      8, 9, 10, 11. (All these through                                  •  Conducting activities for number
                      observing patterns. Children                                       operations to be performed
                      would be helped in deducing                                        by children which through
                      some and then asked to derive                                      discussions could help them to
                      some that are a combination of                                     know the    different properties
                      the basic patterns of divisibility)                                like closure, commutativity,
                     •   Even/odd and prime/composite                                    associativity etc.
                      numbers, Co-prime numbers,                                        •   Creating situations in which
                      prime factorisation, every number                                  numbers are required to be
                      can be written as products of                                      represented for opposite
                      prime factors                                                      situations, like directions, give
                     •   HCF and LCM, prime                                              and take situations etc. And
                                                                                         discuss with children about the
                      factorization and division method                                  ways to represent such situations
                      for HCF and LCM, the property                                      by numbers
                      LCM × HCF = product of two
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13