Page 6 - ICSE Math 6
P. 6


                                                             Number System

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     Numbers                          Students will be able to:
                     •  Consolidating the sense of    •  describe place and face values of   •   Revising previous concepts learnt
                      numberness up to 5 digits,        a digit in a large number;       by children
                      size, estimation of numbers,    •  create situations around them   •  Building  on  children’s  previous
                      identifying smaller, larger, etc.  in which they find negative     learning
                     •  Place value (recapitulation and   numbers;                      •   Making children compare
                      extension)                        –   through situations like money   numbers up to 5 digits through
                                                          transactions, measuring of
                     •  Operations on large numbers       height budget etc. child uses   various situations like cost of
                     •  Word problems on number           larger numbers and thus        two houses, number of spectators
                      operations involving large          appreciates their use;         present in two cricket matches
                      numbers. This would include       –    reduces fractions involving   etc.
                      conversions of units of length      larger numbers to simplest    •   Extending number up to 8 digits
                      & mass (from the larger to the      (lowest) forms;                through patterns that exist in
                      smaller units)                  •   identify a situation for a given   numbers up to five digits and
                     •   Estimation of outcome of number   fraction (like proper, improper,   then citing/observing daily life
                      operations                        equivalent, etc.);               situations e.g., cost of property
                     •   Introduction to a sense of   •  construct examples through     •   Involving children in the
                      the largeness of, and initial     which they demonstrate the       activities that include
                      familiarity with, large numbers up   addition and subtraction of   classification of numbers on the
                      to 8 digits and approximation of   integers;                       basis of their properties like even,
                      large numbers                   •  create daily life situations where   odd, multiples and factors. These
                     •   Numbers in Indian and          opposites are involved and       properties can be used to classify
                                                        represent such quantities by
                      International Systems and their   positive and negative numbers;   numbers in to various categories
                      comparison                      •   make their own strategies of   •  Providing opportunities to

                                                        ordering, adding and subtracting   children to observe divisibility
                                                                                         rules through patterns in
                                                        integers;                        multiplication facts. This could
                                                      •  use divisibility rules to find   be followed by taking different
                                                        factors of a number;             division problems and discussing
                                                      •   demonstrate ways of finding HCF   their use. For example, let
                                                        and LCM of two numbers;          children form multiplication
                                                      •   devise strategies to identify   tables of different numbers like
                                                        appropriate situations to use the   2, 3, 4, etc. and then from the
                                                        concepts of HCF and LCM.         multiplication facts ask them to
                                                                                         identify the pattern like multiple
                                                                                         of 3 has sum its digits divisible
                                                                                         by 3, multiple of 5 has either 5 or
                                                                                         zero in its ones place etc.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11