Page 7 - ICSE Math 6
P. 7

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     Natural Numbers and Whole
                     Numbers                                                            •  Provide opportunities to children
                     •  Natural numbers                                                  to understand that whole numbers
                     •   Whole numbers                                                   are extension of natural numbers
                     •  Properties of numbers                                            with the number zero included
                      (commutative, associative,                                         in it
                      distributive, additive identity,                                  •  Provide children opportunities
                      multiplicative identity)                                           to perform operations of natural
                     •  Number line                                                      numbers with zero and to form
                                                                                         rules like when zero is added to
                     •  Seeing patterns, identifying and                                 any number or subtracted from
                      formulating rules for operations                                   any number the result is the same
                      on numbers                                                         number

                                                                                        •    Conducting the activity to
                                                                                         conclude that a ÷ 0 is not defined.
                                                                                         For example, a/0 is a number
                                                                                         whose product with zero is a,
                                                                                         which never exist if a is non-zero
                     Negative Numbers and Integers
                     •   Need for negative numbers                                      •  Conducting activities in the
                     •  Connection of negative numbers                                   classes in groups of 4–5 children
                      in daily life                                                      to represent opposite situations
                     •   Representation of negative                                      by numbers like moving up and
                      numbers on number line                                             down from a reference point,
                                                                                         paying and getting some amount
                     •   Ordering of negative numbers,                                   etc.
                      Integers                                                          •   Asking children to extend the
                     •  Identification of integers on the                                number line to represent negative
                      number line                                                        numbers and zero along with
                     •  Operation of addition and                                        natural numbers and let them
                      subtraction of integers                                            realise that corresponding to
                     •    Addition and subtraction of                                    every positive numbers there is a
                      integers on the number line                                        negative number and vice versa
                     •    Comparison of integers, ordering
                      of integers
                     •   Idea of sets                                                   •  Taking  examples  from  children’s
                     •   Representation of sets                                          context for introducing the idea of
                     •   Types of sets: Finite/infinite and                              set
                      empty                                                             •  Letting children work out their
                     •   Cardinality of a set                                            own definitions and rules to work
                                                                                         with sets as specific collections
                                                                                         like classifying sets as finite/
                                                                                         infinite and empty
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