Page 11 - ICSE Math 6
P. 11

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                          Curvilinear and linear      •   classify quadrilaterals as    •   Involving children in activities
                        boundaries                      trapezium, parallelogram,         to identify, angles, triangles &
                          Angle—Vertex, arm, interior   rectangle, square, rhombus;       quadrilaterals and their nets
                        and exterior                  •   classify angles in different groups/  •   Asking children to make models
                          Triangle—vertices, sides,     types;                            and Nets of 3D shapes to get an
                        angles, interior and exterior,   •   draw different types of triangles   idea of their number of edges,
                                                        and quadrilaterals;
                        altitude and median           •    attempt to prepare solids using   faces and corners (vertices) etc.
                          Quadrilateral—Sides, vertices,   their nets;                  •   Conduct discussion on number
                        angles, diagonals, adjacent   •   observe the objects and tries to   and type of corners, edges and
                        sides and opposite sides (only   make strategies to decide about   faces after showing solid objects
                        convex quadrilateral are to be   the symmetry of the object;      to the children like models of
                        discussed), interior and exterior   •    observe the reflection of objects in   cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone,
                        of a quadrilateral              mirror and then tries to formulate   pyramid, prism etc.
                          Circle—Centre, radius,        rules about the symmetry of the   •   Performing activities with mirrors
                        diameter, arc, sector,          object;                           in which children are asked to
                        chord, segment, semicircle,   •   try to see the logic behind     observe the reflections of one part
                        circumference, interior and     drawing an angle of certain       of a shape with its image and image
                        exterior                        measure using geometrical         with the other part. This will be
                     •   Understanding Elementary       properties;                       followed by discussion
                       Shapes (2D and 3D):            •    device ways to draw related   •   Using the activity of folding
                         Measure of Line segment        angles after learning to draw an   of a paper cut out of a shape
                                                                                          along specific lines to show the
                                                        angle of certain measure;
                         Measure of angles            •   identify 3D shapes and their parts;  reflection symmetry in case the
                          Pair of lines —Intersecting and   •   identify 2D symmetrical objects;  two halves exactly cover each
                        perpendicular lines, Parallel   •    understand reflection symmetry;  other
                        lines                         •   construct angles of different   •   Providing children opportunities
                          Types of angles—acute, obtuse,   measures using compasses;      to draw an angle measuring 60°
                        right, straight, reflex, complete  •   draw perpendicular line segments.  using compasses. On the basis of
                        and zero angle                                                    this construction let them construct
                        Classification of triangles (on the                               other angles that measure 30°,
                      basis of sides, and of angles)                                      120°, 90°, etc.
                          Types of quadrilaterals—                                      •   Giving children a feel of dividing
                        Trapezium, parallelogram,                                         a circle into equal segments
                        rectangle, square, rhombus.                                       that correspond to an angle. For
                           Simple polygons (introduction)                                 example, a circle can be divided
                        (Up to octagons regulars as                                       into six equal parts by the chords
                        well as non-regular)                                              of length equal to radius of the
                          Identification of 3D shapes:                                    circle and this actually forms
                                                                                          1/6th of complete angle i.e., 600
                        Cubes, Cuboids, cylinder,                                         at the centre
                        sphere, cone, prism (triangular
                        and square), pyramid                                            •    Providing opportunities to
                        (triangular and square),                                          children to draw different
                        Identification and locating in                                    geometrical figures that involve
                        the surroundings                                                  angles of various measures, line
                         Elements of 3D figures. (Faces,                                  segments etc.
                      Edges and vertices)                                               •    Demonstrating the construction
                         Nets for cube, cuboids, cylinders,                               of bisector of an angle and a line
                      cones and tetrahedrons
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