Page 14 - ICSE Math 6
P. 14

Detailed Contents

                     S. No.        Chapter                                       Contents
                       1.   Numbers                Numeral, Numeration and Hindu-Arabic System of Numeration, Face Value
                                                   and Place Value, Indian and International Place Value Charts, Expanded Form
                                                   of a Number, Comparison and Formation of Numbers, Operations on Large
                                                   Numbers, Estimation (in Sum, Difference, Product and Quotient)
                       2.   Natural Numbers and    Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication
                            Whole Numbers          of Whole Numbers on a Number Line, Properties of Whole Numbers, Division
                       3.   Negative Numbers and  Need for Negative Numbers, Connection of Negative Numbers in Daily Life,
                            Integers               Integers and their Representation on a Number Line, Ordering of Integers,
                                                   Absolute Value of an Integer, Addition and Subtraction of integers
                       4.   Playing with Numbers   Simplification of Brackets, Factors and Multiples, Types of Numbers (Even,
                                                   Odd, Prime, Composite), Sieve of Eratosthenes, Divisibility Tests of 2, 3, 4,
                                                   5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Common Factors and Common Multiples, Co-prime
                                                   Numbers,  Prime  Factorization,  Highest  Common  Factor  (HCF),  Lowest
                                                   Common Multiple (LCM), Relation between HCF and LCM of Two Numbers
                       5.   Fractions              Fraction  as  Division,  Types  of  Fractions  (Proper,  Improper,  Mixed  and
                                                   Equivalent), Like and Unlike Fractions, Simplest Form of Fractions, Conversion
                                                   of Fractions (Mixed to Improper and vice versa, Unlike to Like), Fractions on
                                                   the Number Line, Comparison of Fractions, Operations on Fractions and Word
                       6.   Decimals               Decimals, Decimal Fractions, Decimal Notation, Like and Unlike Decimals,
                                                   Equivalent Decimals, Decimals on Number Line, Comparison of Decimals,
                                                   Conversion of Fractions into Decimals, Conversion of Decimals into Fractions,
                                                   Operations on Decimals and Word Problems
                       7.   Set Theory             Idea of Sets, Representation of Sets, Types of Sets: Finite, Infinite and Empty,
                                                   Cardinality of a Set
                       8.   Ratio, Proportion and   Ratio, Difference between Fraction and Ratio, Simplification of Ratio, Dividing
                            Unitary Method         a Quantity in a Given Ratio, Comparison of Ratios, Proportion, Unitary Method
                       9.   Percentage             Percentage, Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of the Other, Finding
                                                   Percentage of a given Quantity, Finding the Number from its Given Percentage,
                                                   Applications of Percentage
                      10.   Speed, Distance and    Speed, Units of Speed, Conversion of Units of Speed
                      11.   Fundamental Concepts  Constants  and  Variables,  Matchstick  Patterns,  Use  of  Variables,  Terms
                            of Algebra             (Constant,  Like,  Unlike),  Coefficient,  Algebraic  Expressions,  Monomials,
                                                   Binomial and Trinomial, Polynomial
                      12.   Operations on          Addition,  Subtraction  and  Multiplication  of  Algebraic  Expressions,  Use
                            Algebraic Expressions  of Brackets as Grouping Symbols, Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions by
                                                   Substituting a Value for the Variable
                      13.   Linear Equations in    To Write a Given Statement in Algebraic Form, To Write a Statement for a
                            One Variable           given Algebraic Form, Transposition of Terms of an Equation, Solution of an
                                                   Equation, Solving Linear Equations in One Variable, Word Problems
                      14.   Fundamental Concepts  Introduction to Geometry, Point, Line, Line Segment, Ray, Plane and Space,
                            of Geometry            Parallel, Intersecting and Perpendicular Lines, Perpendicular Bisector, Open
                                                   and  Closed  Figures,  Interior,  Exterior  and  Boundary  of  Closed  Figures,
                                                   Curvilinear  and  Linear  Boundaries,  Collinear  and  Non-collinear  Points,
                                                   Concurrent and Non-concurrent Lines
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