Page 10 - ICSE Math 6
P. 10

Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                                                                                        •   Discussing examples to show
                                                                                          the difference between ratio and
                                                                                          proportion and to relate them
                                                                                        •   Solving daily life problems
                                                                                          related to unitary method that
                                                                                          exist in children’s daily life like
                                                                                          while shopping finding out the
                                                                                          rate etc.

                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Introduction to constants, variable  Students will be able to:  •    Revising previous concepts learnt
                      and unknown through patterns    •   describe variable and unknown   by children
                      and through appropriate word      through patterns and through    •    Building on children’s previous
                      problems and generalisations      appropriate word problems and     learning
                      (For example 1+3=2 , 1+3+5=3 ,    generalise (example 5 × 1 = 5,   •   Providing situations in which
                      1+3+5+7=4 , sum of first n odd    etc.);                            a pattern or phenomenon is to
                      numbers = n .)                  •    generate patterns with more    be generalised like area of a
                    •    Generate such patterns with more   examples;                     rectangle can be obtained by
                      examples and generalisation     •   understand unknowns through     multiplying the measure of its
                    •    Introduction to unknowns       examples with simple contexts     two adjacent sides
                      through examples with simple      (single operations);            •   Encouraging children to find
                      contexts (single operations)    •    define terminology associated   ways to represent this in shorter
                                                        with algebra like literal numbers,
                    •   Terminology associated with     terms, expressions, factor,       and more compact way by
                      algebra—like literal numbers,     coefficient, polynomials, degree,   considering the two adjacent
                      terms, expressions, factor,       like and unlike terms;            sides as l and b or S  and S 2
                      coefficient, polynomials, degree,   •    frame algebraic expressions;  •   Providing situations which can
                      like and unlike terms           •    evaluate value of algebraic    be mathematically expressed by
                    •    Framing algebraic expressions  expressions by substituting a     using numbers and letters in place
                    •   Evaluation of algebraic         number for the variable.          of numbers like any even number
                      expressions by substituting a                                       is double of a natural number can
                      value for the variable                                              be expressed as: Even number =
                    •   Introduction to linear equation in                                2n, where n is a natural number
                      one variable
                                                                                            Suggested Transactional
                              Key Concepts                   Learning Outcomes
                     •   Basic Geometrical Ideas      Students will be able to:
                       (2D): Introduction to geometry.   •    differentiate between different   •    Revising previous concepts
                       Its linkage with and reflection in   geometrical figures on the basis of   learnt by children
                       everyday experiences             their observable properties;    •   Building on children’s previous
                         Line, line segment, ray      •   classify angle into different types   learning
                                                        on the basis of their measurement;
                         Open and closed figures      •   understand the difference between   •   Performing activities in which
                           Interior and exterior of closed   different types of triangles and the   students can be shown concrete
                        figures                         basis on which they are classified;  models and pictures of different
                                                                                          geometrical shapes
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