Page 38 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 38

3.  What is the diff erence between assemblers and compilers? How are they diff erent
                             from interpreters?
                         4.  Write a note on language processor.

                         5.  Explain utility software in detail.

                     Building Values and Life Skills

                     Your father is getting unexpected screen messages on his PC which may be due to a virus.
                     How will you help him?

                             You will ask him to install an antivirus.

                             You will ask him to take his laptop to repair centre.

                     Testing Knowledge

                     Smartphones are also a type of computer. Can we back up the data of a smartphone?

                     Linking Knowledge

                     Science: How are computer virus and microorganism virus similar? What are the diff erences
                     between them?

                                 Lab Fun

                      1.  Create a Word document showing diff erences between system software and application

                          software. Insert related images. Format the document as per your choice. You may take
                          help from the Internet.
                      2.  Create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic ‘Operating System’. Add related images.
                          Format the presentation as per your choice. You may take related information from the

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