Page 37 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 37

3.  Types of operating systems                              _____________ _____________
                         4.  Two functions of operating systems                      _____________ _____________

                         5.  Two application software                                _____________ _____________

                    B.  Fill in the blanks.
                         1. Resources like _______________, _______________, and various _______________
                             and _______________ are managed by the operating system.
                         2. _______________ takes place on a scheduled basis but it can also be done manually.

                         3. _______________,  _______________ and  _______________ are the spreadsheet

                         4. _______________ translate the assembly language code which are called ___________
                             code into machine language code.
                         5. _______________ are not suitable for most application developments.

                    C.  Choose the correct answer.
                         1.  MS-DOS, PC DOS and OS/2 are examples of ____________________________.

                             (a)  multi-user operating systems               (b)  single-user operating systems
                             (c)  multitasking operating systems             (d)  utility software

                         2.  Printer, disk and tape are ____________________________ devices.

                            (a)  input               (b) output               (c) processing          (d) peripheral

                         3.  Memory is allocated to diff erent programs by the ____________________________.
                            (a)  software                                    (b) hardware

                            (c)  utility software                            (d) operating system

                         4.  Virus is an ____________________________.
                            (a)  unauthorised software                       (b) unauthorised backup

                            (c)  unauthorised FAT                            (d) authorised software

                         5.  Which of the following are the two classifi cations of application softwares?

                             (a)  General Purpose Application Software, Customised Application Software
                             (b)  Word Processing Software, Presentation Software
                             (c)  General Purpose Application Software, Presentation Software

                             (d)  Customised Application Software, Word Processing Software

                    D.  Answer the following questions.
                         1.  Write a note on defragmentation. How can you defragment a disk?

                         2.  What are database management packages?

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