Page 34 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 34

Differences between System Software and Application Software

                    Let’s quickly revise the diff erences between system software and application software.

                                    System Software                                Application Software
                     System software are used to operate  Application software are used to perform
                     computer hardware.                                specifi c tasks by the user.

                     These software are installed on the computer  These software are installed as per the user’s
                     at the time of the installation of the operating  requirements.

                     There is no interaction of the user with  The user interacts with the application
                     the system software as it operates in the  software.

                     These software run independently and  These software cannot run independently
                     provide a platform for running application  without a system software.

                     Compilers, assemblers and drivers are some  Word processor, spreadsheet package and
                     examples of system software.                      presentation software are some examples of
                                                                       application software.

                    Operational Support Systems (OSS)

                    An  operational support system (OSS)  is a set of computer programs used by

                    communication service providers to monitor, control, analyse and manage a computer
                    or telephone network system. It mainly involves operations like supporting network
                    processes to maintain network inventory, confi guring network components and

                    provision services, and managing faults.


                    Sometimes, an operating system may break a fi le into pieces due to shortage of space in
                    the storage device where the fi le was originally saved. This process is called fragmentation.

                    This occurs when the user opens, modifi es and saves the old fi les. For example, when
                    the user opens a Word document and adds some details to it, the fi le takes more space
                    as compared to the time when it was fi rst saved. At this time, the operating system
                    breaks the fi le into two or more pieces and stores them in various parts of the storage

                    area. The fi le system such as File Allocation Table (FAT) keeps a record of the locations
                    where diff erent fragments of a fi le are stored. When this fi le is required by the user again,

                    the FAT fi nds out where the fragments are located on the drive.

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