Page 31 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 31

Language Processor

                    We give instructions to computer using a language. A set of instructions is called
                    a program and the language using which we give the instructions is called the
                    programming language  or  computer language  or simply  language. There are many

                    types of computer languages such as  machine language  and  high-level language.
                    Although we can give instructions to computer using any language, internally it
                    understands only the machine language.  The machine language consists of two

                    numbers only, i.e., 0s and 1s. Regardless of the programming language used (except
                    machine language), the symbolic instructions have to be translated into a form that can
                    be executed by computer. The software which converts the codes of other languages

                    into machine code are collectively called language processors. Language processors are
                    categorised into three types—interpreters, compilers and assemblers.

                    Instructions of a high-level language are coded in many statements. At the time of their
                    execution, they are converted statement by statement into machine code by using a
                    system software called  interpreter.  There are certain disadvantages of interpreters.

                    As instructions are translated and executed simultaneously using interpreters, they are
                    very slow for executing large programs. Hence, interpreters are not suitable for most
                    application developments.

                    In contrast to interpreters,  compilers  provide faster execution speed. Compilers do
                    not translate and execute the instructions at the same time. They translate the entire

                    program (source code) into machine code (object code) at one time. Using linker,
                    the object code is converted into executable code. As compared to interpreters or
                    assemblers, compilers are preferred in the development of application software.

                    Assemblers  translate the assembly language code called  mnemonic code  (source
                    program) into machine language code  (object program). After assembling, a  linker

                    program is used to convert the object program into an executable program. Assemblers
                    are used mainly in the development of system software.

                    Application Software

                    Application software consists of programs that are required to perform specifi c type
                    of work for end users on computer. They are required for general and special purpose

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