Page 33 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 33

of the applications where worksheets are typically used. There are many products of
                    spreadsheet packages.

                    MS Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program. Some other examples are Lotus 123

                    and OpenOf f Calc.

                    Presentation Software
                    Let’s say you are given a task of designing presentation on tree plantation. Now, you

                    have two ways of going about it—one is doing manually by making charts and posters,
                    and second is computerising the presentation by use of diff erent presentation packages
                    like Microsoft PowerPoint.

                    Microsoft PowerPoint has many powerful features, which help us to design an eff ective

                    presentation with animation eff ects. Some other examples are  Adobe Flash  and
                    OpenOf f Impress.

                    Database Management Packages
                    Business processes are always associated with a huge amount of data.  To store,
                    manipulate and process such data, some software packages are needed which

                    are collectively known as  Database Management
                    Packages/Software/Systems (DBMS). It is defi ned  as
                                                                                          Think and Discuss
                    software that organises and maintains the data in a
                                                                                          Which application software
                    database for providing the information. Many database
                                                                                          will you use if you have to
                    management packages are available in the market. MS                   prepare a presentation on
                    Access, Oracle, OpenOf f Impress, Ingres, Sybase              ‘Natural Disasters’?

                    and  Informix  are the major products of database
                    management systems.

                    Customised Application Software

                    Although general purpose application software are exclusively used by all users for
                    general applications, there are certain software which are meant for some special
                    applications and organisations. Besides general purpose application software, some

                    organisations also need software for activities like desktop publishing, graphics,
                    multimedia, animations, fi nancial accounting, sales and marketing, inventory and export

                    documentation. This software are collectively known as  special purpose application

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