Page 86 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 86

Table 4.6: Valency and Symbol of Some Common Ca  ons
                            Valency                        Symbol                                 Name

                          Monovalent                        Na +                  Sodium
                              (1)                            K +                  Potassium

                                                             Cu +                 Copper (I)/Cuprous
                                                             Ag +                 Silver (I)/Argentous
                                                            Hg +                  Mercury (I)/Mercurous
                                                             H +                  Hydrogen
                                                            NH 4 +                Ammonium

                            Divalent                        Mg 2+                 Magnesium
                              (2)                           Ca 2+                 Calcium

                                                            Ba 2+                 Barium
                                                            Zn 2+                 Zinc
                                                            Ni 2+                 Nickel

                                                            Cu 2+                 Copper (II)/Cupric
                                                            Fe 2+                 Iron (II)/Ferrous
                                                            Pb 2+                 Lead (II)/Plumbous

                                                            Sn 2+                 Tin (II)/Stannous
                                                            Ag 2+                 Silver (II)/Argentite
                                                            Hg 2+                 Mercury (II)/Mercuric
                                                            Mn 2+                 Manganese (II)/Manganous
                           Trivalent                        Al 3+                 Aluminium
                              (3)                           Fe 3+                 Iron (III)/Ferric

                                                            Cr 3+                 Chromium (III)

                 When an atom accepts electrons to acquire a stable electronic confi gura  on, it becomes a nega  vely
                 charged ion and is said to be an electronega  ve ion.

                 During chemical reac  ons, non-metals accept electrons resul  ng in an excess of electrons over protons in
                 their atoms and become nega  vely charged. This leads to the forma  on of anions.

                 Examples of Formation of Electronegative Ions

                     •  Chlorine (Cl) accepts 1 electron to become chlorine ion (Cl ).

                                                 +1 electron
                          (17 electrons) Cl                    Cl (18 electrons)
                        Electronic confi gura  on:

                        Cl 2(K), 8(L), 7(M)               Cl 2(K), 8(L), 8(M)

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