Page 84 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 84

Fluorine               F            9            19          9           9         19 – 9 = 10     1

                  Neon                  Ne            10           20         10          10       20 – 10 = 10      0
                  Sodium                Na            11           23         11          11       23 – 11 = 12      1

                  Magnesium             Mg            12           24         12          12       24 – 12 = 12      2
                  Aluminium              Al           13           27         13          13       27 – 13 = 14      3

                  Silicon                Si           14           28         14          14       28 – 14 = 14      4
                  Phosphorus             P            15           31         15          15       31 – 15 = 16      3

                  Sulphur                S            16           32         16          16       32 – 16 = 16      2
                  Chlorine               Cl           17           35         17          17       35 – 17 = 18      1

                  Argon                  Ar           18           40         18          18       40 – 18 = 22      0
                  Potassium              K            19           39         19          19       39 – 19 = 20      1

                  Calcium                Ca           20           40         20          20       40 – 20 = 20      2


                 The outermost shell of an atom is known as valence shell or valence orbit. The electrons present in the
                 valence shell of an atom are called valence electrons.

                 Valence electrons are involved in the formaƟ on of molecules of elements and compounds. They readily
                 parƟ cipate in chemical reacƟ ons and therefore, determine the chemical properƟ es of an element. The
                 electrons in the inner shell are usually not involved in a chemical reacƟ on.
                 Since every atom of an element prefers to be stable, its valence shell should have eight electrons (except
                 the  fi rst shell, which can only accommodate two electrons). This stability is achieved by accepƟ ng,
                 donaƟ ng or sharing some or all valence electrons.

                 The number of electrons that an atom needs to accept, donate or share so as to form a complete outer
                 octet (8 electrons) (except the fi rst shell that forms a duplet) is called valency. In other words, valency is
                 the combining capacity of an atom of an element. Valency is a number with no charge.

                 Why Do Atoms of Elements Combine or React?

                 Atoms of elements combine or react to become
                 stable and/or non-reacƟ ve in nature. This theory was       Know Your Scientist
                 proposed by a German chemist, Kossel. Elements
                                                                             Kossel was born on 4 January, 1888 in Berlin,
                 tend to combine in such a way that each element has         Germany. In 1916, he put forth his theory of
                 eight electrons in its valence shell (except hydrogen,      the ionic chemical bond (octet rule). Octet
                 lithium and beryllium). This theory is commonly             rule was also independently put forth by
                 called the octet rule.                                      Gilbert N Lewis in the same year.

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