Page 85 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 85

In general:
                     •  The valency of metals is the same as the number of electrons in the valence shell. For example,
                        the valency of sodium is 1, with 1 valence electron and that of magnesium is 2, with 2 valence

                     •  The valency of non-metals is determined using the formula (8 – the valence electron(s)). For
                        example, the valency of nitrogen is (8 – 5) = 3, oxygen is (8 – 6) = 2 and that of chlorine is (8 – 7) = 1.
                     •  The valency of noble or inert gases is zero as they have eight electrons in their valence shells and
                        are therefore chemically inert.

                 Elements with valency one are called monovalent elements, for example, sodium and chlorine. Elements
                 with valency two are called  divalent elements, for example, magnesium and calcium. Elements with
                 valency three are called trivalent elements, for example, lithium and phosphorus.

                 When an atom donates electrons to acquire a stable electronic confi gura  on, it becomes a posi  vely
                 charged ion and is said to be an electroposi  ve ion.

                 During chemical reac  ons, metals donate electrons, resul  ng in a greater number of protons and lesser
                 number of electrons le   with them. As a result, they become posi  vely charged thus forming ca  ons.
                 Examples of Formation of Electropositive Ions

                     •  Sodium (Na) donates 1 electron to become sodium ion (Na ).
                                            –1 electron
                         (11 electrons) Na                 Na  (10 electrons)             Thirst for Knowledge
                                                                                     All metals and hydrogen have posi  ve
                        Electronic confi gura  on:
                                                                                     valency, since their valence shells
                        Na  2(K), 8(L), 1(M)            Na   2(K), 8(L)      have 1 to 3 electrons.
                                      unstable              stable

                     •  Magnesium (Mg) donates 2 electrons to become magnesium ion (Mg ).
                                             –2 electrons
                         (12 electrons)  Mg                 Mg  (10 electrons)
                        Electronic confi gura  on:
                        Mg   2(K), 8(L), 2(M)           Mg   2(K), 8(L)

                     •  Aluminium (Al) donates 3 electrons to become aluminium ion (Al ).
                                            –3 electrons
                         (13 electrons)  Al                Al  (10 electrons)
                        Electronic confi gura  on:

                        Al  2(K), 8(L), 3(M)            Al   (K), 8(L)

                 Depending upon the number of electrons donated, the elements are monovalent (Na ), divalent (Mg )
                 or trivalent (Al ).

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