Page 82 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 82

Therefore, the maximum number of electrons in the fi rst four shells would be 2, 8, 18, 32.
                     •  The outermost shell also called the valence shell cannot accommodate more than eight electrons
                        (octet) except in case of the fi rst shell (K shell) which cannot have more than two electrons (duplet).
                        The reason behind this is that the presence of eight electrons in the outermost shell makes the
                        atom very stable.

                 Let’s understand this be  er with the help of an example. The atomic number of hydrogen is 1, which
                 means it has only 1 electron, which will occupy the fi rst shell K.

                 The atomic number of lithium is 3, so its fi rst two electrons will occupy the K shell and the third electron
                 will occupy the next shell L as the K shell cannot accommodate more than 2 electrons.

                 Hence, the electronic confi gura  on of lithium is wri  en as 2, 1.

                 Similarly, phosphorous with atomic number 15 will have the electronic confi gura  on 2, 8, 5. This shows
                 that the K shell has 2 electrons, the L shell has 8 electrons and the M shell has 5 electrons.
                 The electronic confi gura  on of the fi rst 20 elements is given in Table 4.4.

                                           Table 4.4: Electronic Confi gura  on of Some Elements

                                                                                     Electronic conϐiguration
                          Element           Symbol        Atomic number
                                                                               K          L          M          N
                       Hydrogen                H                 1             1
                       Helium                  He                2             2

                       Lithium                 Li                3             2          1
                       Beryllium               Be                4             2          2
                       Boron                   B                 5             2          3

                       Carbon                  C                 6             2          4
                       Nitrogen                N                 7             2          5
                       Oxygen                  O                 8             2          6
                       Fluorine                F                 9             2          7
                       Neon                    Ne               10             2          8

                       Sodium                  Na               11             2          8          1
                       Magnesium               Mg               12             2          8          2
                       Aluminium               Al               13             2          8          3

                       Silicon                 Si               14             2          8          4
                       Phosphorus              P                15             2          8          5
                       Sulphur                 S                16             2          8          6
                       Chlorine                Cl               17             2          8          7
                       Argon                   Ar               18             2          8          8

                       Potassium               K                19             2          8          8          1
                       Calcium                 Ca               20             2          8          8          2

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