Page 81 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 81

Activity 4.1

                 Aim: To fi nd out and write the isotopes of given elements.
                 Find out and write isotopes of oxygen, sulphur and chlorine.

                 Properties of Isotopes

                     •  The isotopes of an element have same atomic number. Thus, the number of electrons are also
                     •  The isotopes of an element show same chemical proper  es because they have same atomic
                     • Mass-dependent proper  es such as density, mel  ng point and boiling point diff er in diff erent
                        isotopes. This is because the mass of isotopes diff ers slightly.


                 Electrons are arranged in diff erent shells around the nucleus of the atom of an element. The arrangement
                 of electrons in diff erent orbits or shells around the nucleus of an atom is called its electronic confi gura  on.
                 We can write down the electronic confi gura  on of an element if we know:
                     •  The number of electrons present in an atom of the element and
                     •  The maximum number of electrons which can be accommodated in diff erent energy shells of the

                     •  Each orbit or shell has a fi xed or defi nite amount of energy.
                 The distribu  on of electrons in various energy shells of an atom is governed by a scheme called Bohr-Bury
                 scheme as it was proposed by Niels Bohr and Charles Bury.

                 The rules of Bohr-Bury scheme of electronic confi gura  on are as follows.
                                                                                                n = 4
                                                                                                                shell with the
                     •  The amount of energy in the various levels increases as                 n = 3          highest energy
                        we go further away from the nucleus (K < L < M < N ...).                n = 2
                     •  The maximum possible number of electrons that can              N M  L   n = 1
                        be present in any shell of an atom is determined by the               K                 nucleus
                        formula 2n , where n is the number of shells. The shells                               shell with the
                        are labelled as K (n = 1), L (n = 2), M (n = 3), N (n = 4) and                         lowest energy
                        so on.
                                                                                     Fig. 4.14: Shells (orbits) in an atom
                 Table 4.3 gives the number of electrons a shell can accommodate.

                                     Table 4.3: Number of Electrons Accommodated in Diff erent Shells
                                                                           Maximum number of
                                          Shell   Number of shell (n)
                                                                         electrons in the shell (2n )
                                           K               1                    2(1)  = 2
                                           L               2                    2(2)  = 8
                                           M               3                    2(3)  = 18
                                           N               4                    2(4)  = 32

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