Page 78 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 78

applied on them. They are thus able to maintain their posi  on. This                          lowest energy
                 results in the balancing of the inward force exerted by the nucleus
                 by the outward force of the moving electrons. This in turn prevents
                 the electrons from falling into the nucleus, thus making the atom      nucleus          +
                 structurally stable.

                 ATOMIC NUMBER                                                           highest energy

                                                                                             Fig. 4.12: Each shell (orbit) in an
                 The number of protons present inside the nucleus of an atom of an               atom has fi xed energy.
                 element is called its atomic number. It is represented by the le  er Z.
                 Each element has its own atomic number.

                 Since an atom has equal number of protons and electrons, the atomic number of the atom of an element
                 is also equal to the number of electrons present in it.
                 Atomic number (Z) = Number of protons = Number of electrons

                 Each element has a unique atomic number as no two elements contain the same number of protons (or
                 electrons). Thus, an atomic number can easily be used to dis  nguish one element from another.

                 MASS NUMBER

                 The sum total of the number of protons and the number of neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom of
                 an element is called the mass number of that element. It is represent by the le  er A.
                                    Mass number (A) = Number of protons + Number of neutrons

                                                      = Atomic number + Number of neutrons

                 Atomic number and mass number are respec  vely wri  en as subscript and superscript alongside the
                 symbol of an element. An element X is represented as  X. This is called atomic nota  on of an element.
                 If the atomic number and the mass number of an element are known, then the number of neutrons can
                 be easily calculated.

                 Mass number (A) = Number of protons + Number of neutrons
                                                                                    Thinking Fountain
                 Number of neutrons = Mass number (A) – Number of protons          Calculate the number of electrons,
                 Since atomic number (Z) = Number of protons                       protons and neutrons in krypton ( Kr).
                   Number of neutrons = Mass number (A) – Atomic number (Z)

                     Number of neutrons = A – Z

                 Let’s take the example of magnesium atom to understand be  er. The atomic number of magnesium is 12
                 and its mass number is 24.

                  Number of neutrons = A – Z

                                         = 24 – 12
                                         = 12

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