Page 73 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 73

Properties of Electrons

                     •  An electron is a nega  vity charges par  cle having a             Thirst for Knowledge
                        defi nite mass and a defi nite electric charge.
                     •  An electron is an integral part of an atom and all ma  er.    The charge of an electron was
                                                                                      found to be 1.602 × 10  coulombs,
                     •  The charge to mass ra  o (e/m) of electron was found to
                                                                                      in 1908, by R.A. Millikan.
                        be 1.78 × 10  C kg  (coulomb per gram).
                     •  The value of e/m is the same irrespec  ve of the nature of the gas and the material of the electrodes
                        used in the discharge tube.
                     •  The mass of an electron was found to be 9.1 × 10    –31  kg, which was about 1/1837 of a hydrogen
                        atom. Therefore, electrons are considered to have negligible mass.
                     •  The charge on an electron is one unit nega  ve charge, i.e., 1.602 × 10  coulomb.
                 Discovery of Protons                                                        cathode    perforated
                                                                                   anode       rays      cathode    red glow
                 An atom is electrically neutral. This suggests that if
                 nega  vely charged electrons are present in an atom,
                 there must be some posi  vely charged par  cles  to
                 neutralise the nega  ve charge of the electrons.
                                                                                                              anode rays
                 E. Goldstein, a German scien  st, proved the existence
                 of posi  vely charged par  cles in an atom. He did this by
                 performing an experiment in a modifi ed discharge tube,
                 with a perforated cathode (a cathode with small holes       +                –
                 to allow passage of posi  ve rays). When a high voltage
                                                                                     Fig. 4.7: Emission of anode rays
                 of electric current was passed through this cathode with
                 air inside the discharge tube at a very low pressure, he observed a faint red glow behind the perforated
                 cathode. During the experiment, he observed another set of rays moving in the direc  on opposite to that
                 of the cathode rays. Since these rays originated from the anode, they were named anode rays. They were
                 also called canal rays. The anode rays consist of the posi  vely charged par  cles called protons.
                 Characteristics of Anode Rays

                     •  Anode rays are produced from the anode in a discharge tube when electric current is passed
                        through gas kept at a very low pressure.
                     •  Anode rays consist of posi  vely charged par  cles               Thirst for Knowledge
                        because when an electric fi eld was applied in the path
                                                                                      •  Since an atom is electrically
                        of anode rays, the rays got a  racted (or bent) towards
                                                                                        neutral, the number of electrons
                        the nega  vely charged plate.
                                                                                        in an atom is equal to the number
                     •  Anode rays are a stream of fast-moving charged                  of protons in that atom.
                        par  cles.
                                                                                      •  A proton is about 1840    mes
                     •  Anode rays travel in a straight line.                           heavier than an electron.
                 Properties of Protons

                     •  A proton is a posi  vely charged par  cle.
                     •  A proton is an integral part of an atom.
                     •  The charge to mass ra  o (e/m) of proton is not fi xed, i.e., it varies.

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