Page 76 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 76

Bohr’s Atomic Model

                 In 1913, Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, proposed a modifi ed version of Rutherford’s atomic model. The
                 main features of his model are as follows.
                     •  Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fi xed circular orbiter shells. They move the same way as
                        planets revolve around the sun.

                     •  These shells have a fi xed size and energy. The shell nearest to the nucleus has the minimum energy
                        and as we go farther the energy increases.

                 Bohr labelled the shells as K,L,M,N,..., star  ng from the innermost shell.

                 Discovery of Neutron

                 By the    me Rutherford gave his model of the atom,
                                                                                Know Your Scientist
                 it was found that the mass of an atom was en  rely
                 concentrated within the nucleus in the form of protons,        Ernest Rutherford (1871–1937) was a
                 since electrons had negligible mass. However, during           New Zealand born Bri  sh physicist. He is
                 subsequent experiments, it was found that the mass             known for his 1899 discovery which stated
                 of an atom is far more than the total mass of protons          that there were at least two dis  nct types
                 present in the atom. It was realised that another              of radia  on—alpha  radia  on and beta
                                                                                radia  on.
                 subatomic par  cle should be present in the nucleus
                 that had mass but no electric charge.  Neutron  was
                 discovered in 1932 by James Chadwick.

                 Properties of Neutrons                                                Thirst for Knowledge

                     •  Neutron is an integral part of an atom and is            •  The protons and neutrons present in
                        present inside the nucleus.                                 the nucleus of an atom are collec  vely
                                                                                    called nucleons.
                     •  It is of the same size as that of a proton.
                                                                                 •  A neutron is represented by  n . The
                     •  It is electrically neutral, i.e., it has no charge.         superscript 1 represents 1 which is its
                                                                                    mass and the subscript 0 represents
                                                                                    zero charge.
                 Table 4.1 shows a summary of subatomic par  cles.

                                                       Table 4.1: Subatomic Par  cles

                                                 Relative charge    Atomic mass
                     Particles       Symbol                                          Relative mass         Location
                                                (1.602 × 10 –19  C)  (in kilograms)

                  Proton            +1 p  or p +       +1            1.672 × 10 –27        1        In the nucleus

                  Neutron            0 n  or n          0            1.676 × 10 –27        1        In the nucleus
                  Electron          –1 e  or e –       –1            9.108 × 10 –31     1/1837      Outside the nucleus

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