Page 72 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 72

Then in 1897, J.J. Thomson, a Bri  sh  Scien  st,  while                            electric
                                                                                                      fi eld
                 conduc  ng various experiments on the cathode rays,                                 –
                 showed that these rays consist nega  vely charged par  cles
                 called electrons. These electrons are present in the atom of                        +            fl uorescent
                 each element.                                                     –      +
                                                                                   high voltage
                 Thomson’s observa  on were used to defi ne characteris  cs
                                                                                     Fig. 4.3:  Line representation of
                 of cathode rays.
                                                                                       J.J. Thomson’s experiment
                 In order to get an es  mate of the size of electrons, Thomson
                 calculated their charge to mass ra  o (e/m). This ra  o was
                 found to be equal to 1.78 × 10  C g  (coulomb per gram).                Thirst for Knowledge
                 Thomson also no  ced that the value of charge to mass ra  o
                                                                                  An electron is represented by the symbol
                 was the same for all electrons irrespec  ve of the nature of
                                                                                   e . The superscript 0 represents its
                 the gas and the material of the electrodes. This proved that     –1
                                                                                  mass and the subscript –1 represents its
                 electrons are contained in all ma  er and hence in all atoms.
                                                                                  electrical charge.
                 And the atom is not indivisible and is composed of smaller
                 par  cles.
                 Characteristics of Cathode Rays

                     •  Cathode rays are produced from the cathode in a discharge tube when electric current in passed
                        through gas kept at low pressure.                                      –         +
                     •  Cathode rays consist of nega  vely charged par  cles
                        because when an electric  fi eld was applied in the
                        path of cathode rays, the rays got a  racted (or bent)
                        towards the posi  vely charged plate.                                  – – –
                     •  Cathode rays are a stream of fast-moving charged                       + + +
                        par  cles. It was observed that when a light weight          cathode
                        wheel was placed in the path of cathode rays, the           Fig. 4.4: Negatively charged cathode rays
                        wheel began to rotate.                                         bending towards positively charged
                                                                                               discharge plate
                     •  Cathode rays travel in a straight line. A shadow was
                        formed on the wall opposite to cathode when a solid object was placed in the path of cathode
                        rays. A shadow will be formed only if cathode rays travel in a straight line.
                                                                                      –            +

                                          –         +

                                                                                             opaque   shadow of
                                                                                              object  opaque object

                             cathode  cathode rays  wheel   anode

                            Fig. 4.5: A stream of fast-moving charged         Fig. 4.6: Cathode rays travel in straight
                                    particles rotate plate.                         lines and rotate the wheel.

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