Page 68 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 68

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  A substance that has a fi xed composi  on and fi xed chemical proper  es   ___________________
                       2.  A substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined
                           in a defi nite propor  on by mass                                         ___________________
                       3.  A type of mixture consis  ng of two or more immiscible liquids           ___________________

                       4. A separa  on technique used to separate components of a mixture when
                           the solubility of solid components varies in the same solvent            ___________________

                       5.  A process of separa  ng fi nely suspended solid components in a liquid by
                           spinning the mixture in a closed container                               ___________________
                       6.  The simplest type of chromatography                                      ___________________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  A compound can be broken down into its cons  tuent elements by chemical reac  ons.
                       2.  A mixture has a defi nite composi  on and the cons  tuents of a mixture are present in a fi xed ra  o.
                       3.  It is essen  al to separate the components of a mixture to remove harmful and undesirable impuri  es.

                       4.  We can separate a mixture of sand and water by frac  onal dis  lla  on.
                       5. Sublima  on is used to separate a mixture of iodine and sand.
                       6. A separa  ng funnel can be used to separate a mixture of oil and water.

                 C.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Winnowing
                       2. Evapora  on

                       3. Crystallisa  on
                       4. Dis  lla  on
                       5. Centrifuga  on

                       6. Separa  ng funnel
                 D.  Answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.  Write a note on the classifi ca  on of mixtures.

                       2. Diff eren  ate between handpicking and sieving.
                       3.  Discuss the technique of solvent extrac  on.
                       4. How is fi ltra  on diff erent from froth fl oata  on?

                       5.  How is frac  onal dis  lla  on carried out? Write the uses of frac  onal dis  lla  on.
                       6.  Write a note on chromatography. Discuss the advantages of chromatography.


                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Types of Mixtures’. Find the related informa  on and images
                   using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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