Page 66 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 66

C.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  Write the characteris  cs of a mixture.

                       2.  Discuss the forma  on of mixtures.
                       3.  With the help of an ac  vity, discuss the separa  on of components of a mixture by sieving.

                       4.  With the help of an ac  vity, discuss how to separate the components of a mixture by winnowing.
                       5.  Explain the process of frac  onal crystallisa  on.

                       6.  How is evapora  on diff erent from sublima  on?

                       7.  Explain the process of froth fl oata  on.
                       8.  What is centrifuga  on?

                       9.  Write a note on frac  onal dis  lla  on. With the help of an ac  vity, explain how the components of a
                           mixture of CaCO  and NaCl can be separated.
                      10.  What is chromatography? What is paper chromatography? Write the advantages of chromatography.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   A.   Observe the given image carefully and answer the following
                      ques  ons.

                       1.  Label the image shown.

                       2.  Name the technique of separa  on shown in the image.

                       3.  Which is the principle of the separa  on technique?

                       4.  Why is this separa  on technique used?

                   B.   Observe the given image carefully and answer the
                      following ques  ons.

                       1.  Label the image shown.
                       2.  Name the technique of separa  on shown in
                           the image.

                       3.  Which is the principle of the separa  on

                       4.  Discuss how separa  on of components of a
                           mixture takes place in this technique.
                       5.  Describe the apparatus used in the separa  on

                       6.  Why is this separa  on technique used?

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