Page 64 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 64

3.  Chalk in water is an example of emulsion.                               ____________________
                       4.  Nichrome is an alloy of iron and carbon.                                ____________________

                       5.  A mixture of common salt and potassium nitrate can be separated
                           by solvent extrac  on.                                                  ____________________
                       6.  We can separate bu  er from milk by fi ltra  on.                         ____________________

                 E.  Write two uses of the following separa  on techniques.

                          Separa  on technique                                        Uses
                    1.  Sieving                         •  ___________________________________________________

                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                    2.  Magne  c separa  on             •  ___________________________________________________
                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                    3.  Filtra  on                      •  ___________________________________________________

                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                    4.  Evapora  on                     •  ___________________________________________________
                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                    5.  Centrifuga  on                  •  ___________________________________________________
                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                    6.  Frac  onal dis  lla  on         •  ___________________________________________________

                                                        •  ___________________________________________________

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.
                       1. Classifi ca  on of ma  er

                       2.  Types of separa  on techniques
                       3.  Types of mixtures

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1.  A mixture has no defi nite composi  on.

                       2. The cons  tuents of a mixture can be separated by simple physical methods.
                       3.  A few iron nails sunk in the sand can be separated using a magnet.
                       4.  We can separate a mixture of sand and water by sedimenta  on and decanta  on.

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