Page 65 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 65

C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What is a pure substance? Write the characteris  cs of a pure substance.

                       2.  What is a suspension? Give examples.
                       3.  Write the examples of the following types of mixtures.

                           (a) Solid-liquid mixture

                           (b) Solid-gas mixture
                           (c) Liquid-liquid mixture

                           (d) Gas-gas mixture
                       4.  Why is it essen  al to separate mixtures?

                       5.  What is handpicking?
                       6.  What is winnowing?

                       7.  What is the principle of centrifuga  on?
                       8.  Why is frac  onal dis  lla  on used?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.

                       1.  Pure substances and mixtures

                       2.  Elements and compounds
                       3.  Homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures

                       4.  Sieving and magne  c separa  on
                       5. Gravita  on and solvent extrac  on

                       6. Filtra  on and dis  lla  on

                 B.  Read the following paragraph. Iden  fy the incorrect parts.
                      A separa  ng funnel is a device made up of steel with a tap called stopclock. The stopclock is a  ached
                      to the top of the funnel and controls the fl ow of the liquid. The separa  ng funnel is used to separate a
                      mixture of miscible liquids, i.e., an emulsion. The principle behind the separa  on of the liquids is that the
                      heavier liquid fl oats above the lighter liquid.
                        •  The mixture to be separated is put into a beaker and is allowed to se  le.
                        • A  er some   me, the liquids mix with each other.

                        •  The liquid forming the upper layer is collected on opening the stopclock.

                        •  The stopclock is opened once the liquid is collected in the separa  ng funnel.
                        •  The liquid forming the lower layer is collected in another container in the same way.
                           This method is used to separate a mixture of oil and water.

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