Page 62 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 62

Crystallisa  on:         A process of separa  ng a solid that has dissolved in a liquid and made a solu  on
                 Froth fl oata  on:        A separa  on technique based on the principle of we   ng of compounds of a mixture
                 Sublima  on:             A process by which a substance changes directly from the solid state to the liquid
                                          state without passing through the intermediate liquid state
                 Dis  lla  on:            A process of separa  ng a liquid from a soluble component by selec  ve evapora  on
                 Dis  lla  on fl ask:      A special round bo  om fl ask used to perform dis  lla  on
                 Centrifuga  on:          A process of separa  ng fi nely suspended solid components in a liquid by spinning
                                          the mixture in a closed container

                 Centrifuge:              A machine in which the spinning of a mixture occurs
                 Separa  ng funnel:       A laboratory equipment made up of glass with a tap called stopcock
                 Frac  onal dis  lla  on:   A process of separa  ng a mixture into its components or frac  ons by hea  ng the
                 Chromatography:          A process of separa  ng diff erent components of a mixture by passing it through a
                                          medium in which the components move at diff erent rates

                      Quick Review
                    •  Ma  er is anything that has mass and occupies space.
                    •  Ma  er can be broadly classifi ed into two categories: pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances
                       are further classifi ed as elements and compounds.
                    •  A pure substance has a defi nite composi  on, and has defi nite mel  ng and boiling points.
                    •  A mixture has no defi nite composi  on, and has no defi nite mel  ng and boiling points. The cons  tuents
                       of a mixture can be separated by simple physical methods and the original proper  es of cons  tuents
                       of a mixture are retained. A mixture has no fi xed physical and chemical proper  es. There is no energy
                       absorbed or released during the forma  on of a mixture.
                    •  Mixtures can be classifi ed as homogeneous and heterogeneous.
                    •  Heterogenous mixtures are found in the form of suspensions or emulsions.
                    •  Diff erent mixtures can be formed on combining diff erent states of ma  er.
                    •  There are various types of mixtures such as solid-solid mixture, solid-liquid mixture, solid-gas mixture,
                       liquid-liquid mixture, liquid-gas mixture and gas-gas mixture.
                    •  There is another type of mixture called alloy which is a metallic mixture of a metal with another metal
                    •  Mixtures are combina  ons of two or more pure substances that come in several forms. Most of the
                       mixtures can be separated depending on the kind of mixture it is.
                    •  The separa  on of mixtures becomes essen  al to obtain a useful component, to obtain a pure sample of
                       a substance and to enhance purity of a substance, and to remove harmful and undesirable impuri  es.

                    •  The basis of separa  on of a mixture is the fact that each component of a mixture has diff erent physical
                       and chemical proper  es.
                    •  The various techniques used for separa  on of mixtures are handpicking, sieving, winnowing, magne  c
                       separa  on, gravita  on, solvent extrac  on, frac  onal crystallisa  on, sedimenta  on and decanta  on,
                       fi ltra  on, evapora  on, crystallisa  on, froth fl oata  on, sublima  on, dis  lla  on, centrifuga  on, using a
                       separa  ng funnel, frac  onal dis  lla  on and chromatography.
                    •  A combina  on of methods can be used when a mixture consists of more than two components.

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