Page 58 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 58


                 The process of separa  ng diff erent components of a mixture by passing it through a medium in which the
                 components move at diff erent rates is called chromatography. We can separate the components of ink
                 which is a mixture of diff erent dyes by this method.

                 The principle on which the process of chromatography is based is the diff erence in the rates of adsorp  on
                 of various components of a mixture on the surface of a suitable adsorbent.

                 Filter paper and silica gel are commonly used adsorbents. The commonly used solvents are water, ace  c
                 acid and ethyl alcohol.
                 Paper Chromatography

                 Paper chromatography is considered to
                 be the simplest type of chromatography.
                 It is performed using a special type of                            spot of
                                                            fi lter paper                                       coloured spots
                 paper called  chromatographic paper        (stationary            substance                  after separation
                 or ordinary fi lter paper. A line is drawn   phase)                                           (chromatograms)
                 using a pencil near the edge of the paper                                   (mobile
                 at the bo  om. A drop of the mixture
                 that needs to be separated is placed on
                                                                          Fig. 3.14: Paper chromatography
                 the fi lter paper above the drawn line.
                 The paper is then dipped in the beaker containing the solvent such that the line drawn on the paper is
                 above the level of the solvent. In this process, the solvent acts as a mobile phase whereas the fi lter paper
                 acts as a sta  onary phase. The solvent carries along with it the drop of mixture that contains various
                 components as it rises on the paper. The more soluble component of the drop rises faster followed by
                 other components depending on rates of adsorp  on. We observe various spots on the fi lter paper that
                 indicate diff erent components of a mixture. Later, we remove the paper from the solvent and dry it.
                 Advantages of Chromatography

                 Chromatography has the following advantages.
                     • Chromatography can be used to separate very small quan    es is of a substance.

                     • It is used to separate components of a mixture exhibi  ng very similar physical and chemical
                        proper  es.

                     • It is used to iden  fy various components of a mixture.
                     • It is used in quan  ta  ve es  ma  on of components of a mixture.

                     • It is an eff ec  ve method to test the purity of a sample.
                     • It is used to separate contaminants, traces of harmful chemicals and other microbes in food.

                     • Paper chromatography is used to separate various dyes from a mixture.

                     • Paper chromatography is also used to test the quality of food by examining the presence of diff erent
                        vitamins, preserva  ves, amino acids and proteins.

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