Page 54 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 54

We can separate mixtures such as tea and tea leaves, chalk and water, clay and water, and sawdust and
                 water by fi ltra  on.

                                         unfolded     fi rst fold  second   cone
                                                                fold                     funnel with
                                                  Folding of a fi lter paper  glass rod   fi lter paper

                                                                                             cone and

                                                                     clamp stand

                                                                         fi ltrate
                                                     Filter paper
                                                   Fig. 3.7: Filtration using a funnel and fi lter paper

                      Take a Break!

                     Fill in the blanks.
                      1.  The principle of the technique of ______________ is the diff erence in size of the components of a

                      2.  ______________ is the method of separa  ng components of a mixture using wind or moving air.
                      3.  The process used to separate components of a mixture based on their rela  ve solubility is called
                      4.  We can separate a mixture of common salt and potassium nitrate by ____________________.

                      5.  The solid par  cles that se  le down in the process of sedimenta  on are called ______________.
                      6.  The insoluble solid par  cles that are le   behind in the fi lter are called ______________.


                 The process by which a liquid changes into its vapour state by                                  solution
                 hea  ng is called evapora  on. This method is used to separate
                                                                                 sand bath                       evaporating
                 homogeneous solid-liquid mixtures. We can separate salt                                            dish
                 from seawater by evapora  on. In this process, seawater is
                                                                                                                  wire gauge
                 collected in shallow beds and is le   to be evaporated in the
                 sun. Salt is le   behind when all the water is evaporated. The
                                                                                  tripod stand                    burner
                 liquid, here water, escapes in the form of vapour and the
                 solid, here salt, is obtained.
                 We can also separate copper sulphate crystals from copper
                 sulphate solu  on by evapora  on.
                                                                                              Fig. 3.8: Evaporation

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