Page 49 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 49

Table 3.1: Types of Mixtures with Examples
                   S. No.        Types of mixtures                                   Examples

                     1.     Solid-solid
                            (a)  Homogeneous               Alloys like brass, bronze, steel
                            (b)  Heterogeneous             Stones and sand,  lour and grains

                     2.     Solid-liquid
                            (a)  Homogeneous               Salt in water, sugar in water
                            (b)  Heterogeneous             Chalk in water, soil in water
                     3.     Solid-gas
                            Heterogeneous                  Smoke which contains soot or unburnt particles and gas

                     4.     Liquid-solid
                            Heterogeneous                  Water in sponge, water in  lour

                     5.     Liquid-liquid
                            (a)  Homogeneous               Vinegar in water
                            (b)  Heterogeneous             Oil in water
                     6.     Liquid-gas
                            (a)  Homogeneous               Moisture in air
                            (b)  Heterogeneous             Mist, fog, cloud
                     7.     Gas-solid
                            Homogeneous                    Hydrogen in palladium
                     8.     Gas-liquid
                            Homogeneous                    Aerated drinks which contain carbon dioxide  in water
                     9.     Gas-gas
                            Homogeneous                    Air

                      Take a Break!

                     Fill in the blanks.
                      1.  Ma  er can be broadly classifi ed into ______________ and ______________.

                      2.  An ______________ is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
                      3.  ______________ are the inert gases.
                      4.  A pure substance has a ______________ composi  on.

                      5.  The components of a mixture can be separated by ______________.
                     Write true (T) or false (F).
                      1.  There is no energy released during forma  on of a mixture.                            _______

                      2.  A salt solu  on is an example of a heterogeneous solu  on.                            _______
                      3.  Suspension is a mixture in which a component is not dissolved completely
                          into another component.                                                               _______

                      4.  An emulsion is formed on mixing oil and water.                                        _______

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