Page 47 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 47


                 A substance that has a fi xed composi  on and fi xed chemical proper  es is a pure substance. Elements
                 and compounds are pure substances. Pure substance are homogeneous in nature and have a uniform
                 composi  on. They have a defi nite set of proper  es. The cons  tuents of a pure substance cannot be
                 separated by physical methods.

                 Characteristics of Pure Substances

                 A pure substance has the following characteris  cs.

                     •  A pure substance has a defi nite composi  on. For example, a molecule of carbon dioxide consists of
                        one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen. We cannot have a molecule of carbon dioxide that
                        consists of a diff erent number of carbon and oxygen atoms other than this.
                     •  A pure substance has defi nite mel  ng and boiling points. It has a characteris  c taste, colour or


                 Elements are pure substances consis  ng of only one kind of atom. An element is a substance that cannot
                 be broken down into simpler substances. An atom is defi ned as the smallest possible unit of an element.
                 Each element is made up of only one kind of atom. At present, 118 elements are known in nature. Element
                 occur naturally or are ar  fi cially prepared. They occur as solid, liquid as well as gases. All elements are
                 denoted by their unique symbols. Elements are further subdivided into metals, non-metals, metalloids
                 and noble gases based on their physical and chemical proper  es.

                 Metals are lustrous, conduct heat and electricity, are malleable and duc  le, and are sonorous. Gold, silver,
                 iron and aluminium are some familiar examples of metals.
                 Non-metals on the other hand, are not lustrous, do not conduct heat and electricity, are non-sonorous
                 and bri  le. Oxygen, chlorine and nitrogen are some non-metals.

                 Metalloids possess proper  es of both metals and non-metals. Germanium, arsenic, silicon, boron,
                 an  mony, tellurium and bismuth are metalloids.

                 Noble gases are the inert gases present in gaseous state and are reluctant to react chemically with other
                 elements or compounds. Helium, neon, argon, xenon, krypton and radon are noble gases.


                 A  compound is a substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined in a defi nite
                 propor  on by mass. The forma  on of a compound occurs when atoms or molecules of diff erent elements
                 combine. A compound can be broken down into its cons  tuent elements by chemical reac  ons. The
                 proper  es of a compound formed are totally diff erent from its cons  tuent elements.

                 For example, water is a compound which is formed by hydrogen and oxygen but the proper  es of water
                 are diff erent from both these elements.

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