Page 43 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 43

5.  Natural and man-made changes
                       6.  Physical and chemical changes
                       7. Condensa  on and sublima  on

                 B.  Read the following paragraph. Iden  fy the incorrect parts.
                      Physical change like freezing of water absorbs energy in the form of heat. This is because when water
                      freezes into ice, i.e., water changes its state from solid to liquid, the intermolecular force of a  rac  on
                      decreases thus decreasing the intermolecular distance. This is possible only when heat energy is absorbed
                      by the liquid or gas. Physical changes like combus  on and diges  on of food also involve absorp  on of

                 C.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  Write the characteris  cs of a physical change.
                       2.  Give some examples of physical changes explaining why they are considered so.
                       3.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that mel  ng of ice is a physical change.
                       4.  Write the characteris  cs of a chemical change.
                       5.  Discuss why rus  ng of iron and burning of paper are chemical changes.
                       6.  Write a note on changes involving energy changes.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   A.  Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.  Label the image shown.

                       2.  Name the phenomenon shown in the image.
                       3.  Which type of change is shown: physical change or chemical change?
                   B. Iden  fy the changes shown in the given images. Give reasons for your answers.

                            (i)          (ii)                              (iii)                   (iv)

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