Page 45 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 45

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word/a few words.
                       1.  A change in which we can get back the original substance by reversing the ac  on ______________
                       2.  A non-periodic change                                                          ______________

                       3.  An undesirable change                                                          ______________
                       4.  A change which is temporary and reversible                                     ______________
                       5.  A chemical change                                                              ______________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Changes that are benefi cial to us are called desirable changes.

                       2.  Burning of paper is a physical change which is slow.
                       3.  Glowing of an electric bulb on the passage of electric current is a chemical change.
                       4. Evapora  on is a physical change.
                       5. Diges  on of food is a chemical change that involves release of energy.

                 C.  Explain the following terms.
                       1. Fast  change

                       2. Natural change
                       3. Evapora  on
                       4. Condensa  on
                       5.  Sublima  on
                       6. Rus  ng

                 D.  Answer the following ques  ons.

                       1. Diff eren  ate between reversible and irreversible changes.
                       2.  What is a physical change? Write characteris  cs of a physical change. Give examples of a physical
                       3.  What is the diff erence between evapora  on and boiling?
                       4.  What is sublima  on? Discuss sublima  on of ammonium chloride.
                       5.  What is a chemical change? Write characteris  cs of a chemical change. Give examples of a chemical
                       6.  Write about the changes in which energy is released or absorbed.

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Useful Physical and Chemical Changes’. Find the related
                   informa  on and images using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as
                   per your choice.

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