Page 41 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 41


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1.  A ____________ refers to the transforma  on of a substance from one form to another.
                       2.  ______________ are the changes in which we get back the ini  al substance by reversing the ac  on.

                       3.  Changes that are not desirable to us are called ________________.
                       4.  A ____________ change is temporary and reversible.
                       5.  There is an exchange of ___________ during a chemical change.

                       6.  The process by which a substance is broken down by the ac  on of microorganisms with the release
                           of heat and carbon dioxide is called _______________.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1. Burs  ng of balloon is a reversible change.                                   ________________
                       2. Revolu  on of the earth is a man-made change.                                 ________________
                       3.  Glowing of an electric bulb is a chemical change.                            ________________
                       4. Rus  ng of iron is a physical change.                                         ________________
                       5. Condensa  on is a process by which a substance changes from the solid
                           state to the liquid state on hea  ng.                                        ________________
                       6. Fermenta  on of dough is a chemical change which is man-made and
                           undesirable.                                                                 ________________

                 C.  Give two examples of each of the following changes.

                                 Changes                                         Examples
                       Reversible changes
                       Irreversible changes

                       Periodic changes
                       Non-periodic changes

                       Desirable changes
                       Undesirable changes

                       Slow changes

                       Fast changes
                       Natural changes

                       Man-made changes
                       Physical changes

                       Chemical changes

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