Page 37 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 37

Characteristics of a Chemical Change

                     •  A chemical change is permanent and irreversible.
                     •  The composi  on of a substance changes during a chemical change.

                     •  During a chemical change, one or more new substances with new sets of proper  es are formed.
                     •  There is an exchange of energy during a chemical change.                  Thinking Fountain

                     •  A chemical change is accompanied by a change in mass.                     Why is boiling of an egg
                                                                                                  a chemical change?
                 Examples of Chemical Change

                 Germina  on of seeds, cooking of food, curdling of milk, ripening of fruits and vegetables, ro   ng of eggs,
                 burning of wood, burning of papers and fuels are some very common examples of chemical change.

                 Categorising Chemical Changes

                 Let’s study about diff erent types of chemical changes.

                 Digestion of Food

                 Food undergoes many chemical changes during the process of diges  on. Complex molecules such as
                 proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. breakdown into simpler molecules that have diff erent structures. The
                 original molecules cannot be obtained again from these molecules. Hence, diges  on of food is a chemical

                 Rusting of Iron

                 A piece of iron when le   out in moist air comes in contact with oxygen to produce a dull bri  le brown
                 substance called rust. This process of forma  on of rust on the iron surface is called rus  ng of iron. The
                 rust formed has diff erent proper  es from that of iron and it cannot be converted back to iron by simple
                 physical methods. Hence, rus  ng of iron is a chemical change.

                 Cooking of Food

                 During cooking of food, raw materials such as grains and                Thirst for Knowledge
                 vegetables are heated to form new substances. The cooked
                                                                                   Burning of a candle is one example
                 food cannot be converted back to raw ingredients. Hence,
                                                                                   where both physical and chemical
                 cooking of food is a chemical change.
                                                                                   changes occurs together. When a
                 Burning of Paper                                                  candle burns, its wax melt but again
                                                                                   solidifi es on cooling. This is a physical
                 The paper burns immediately when brought near a fl ame.            change. However, when some of the
                 The burnt paper (ash) is a new substance and it cannot be         wax burns with the  fl ame two new
                 changed to what it originally was. Therefore, burning of          substances are formed. These are
                 paper is a chemical change.                                       carbon dioxide  and water vapour. This
                                                                                   is a chemical change.
                 Rotting of Eggs

                 Over the   me, eggs become more alkaline and the sulphur present in them reacts with hydrogen to form
                 hydrogen sulphide producing an unpleasant ro  en eggs odour. This is an irreversible chemical change.

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