Page 32 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 32

Changes that occur very quickly are called fast changes. For example, burning of paper and breaking of
                 glass are fast changes.

                                              a few hours

                      milk + starter culture                       curd
                                             curdling of milk                                         burning of paper
                                                         Fig. 2.4: Slow and fast changes

                           Activity 2.2

                 Aim: To iden  fy the changes

                 Write Yes if the change is slow and No if it is not.
                                                         Change                        Slow
                                          Bursting of crackers

                                          Change of seasons
                                          Germination of seeds

                                          Bursting of an in lated balloon
                                          Curdling of milk

                                          Cutting of paper
                                          Baking of cake

                                          Closing the door
                                          Growth of a child


                 Changes that occur naturally on their own, i.e.,             north pole
                 without any human eff ort and are beyond human
                 control are called natural changes. For example,
                 rota  on and revolu  on of the earth, change of day
                 into night and forma  on of coal and petroleum
                 occur naturally, and hence are natural changes.
                 Changes that occur due to human eff ort or ac  vity
                 and are brought about ar  fi cially are called man-
                 made changes. For example, air pollu  on, cooking     south pole
                 of food, and manufacturing of clothes and furniture    rotation of the earth         cooking of food
                 are man-made changes.                                        Fig. 2.5: Natural and man-made changes

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