Page 29 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 29


                      2              Physical and Chemical Changes

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Changes—A Review
                   •  illustrate diff erent changes occurring in nature with example learned in
                      previous classes.                                                        •  Classifi cation of Changes
                   •  perform some ac  vi  es to show some well-known changes.                 •  Reversible and
                                                                                                  Irreversible Changes
                   •  diff eren  ate between physical and chemical changes and classify the
                      changes.                                                                 •  Periodic and Non-
                                                                                                  Periodic Changes
                                                                                               •  Desirable and
                                                                                                  Undesirable Changes
                                                                                               •  Slow and Fast Changes
                                                                                               •  Natural and Man-made
                                                                                               •  Physical and Chemical
                                                                                               •  Changes Involving
                                                                                                  Energy Changes

                                                            Warm Up Activity
                   Based on your previous knowledge about physical and chemical changes, classify the following changes under
                   the given categories.
                   Diges  on of food, folding of paper, dissolving salt in water, clo   ng of blood, cu   ng of a cloth, bending of a glass
                   tube by hea  ng, magne  sa  on of an iron bar by means of electricity, crystallisa  on of sugar from its solu  on,
                   mel  ng of bu  er, ripening of fruits, curdling of milk, freezing of water, sublima  on of camphor, rus  ng of iron,
                   burning of fuel, boiling of water, cooking of food, blowing air into a balloon, mel  ng of wax, fermenta  on
                   Physical Changes
                   Chemical Changes

                 CHANGES—A REVIEW

                 In our everyday lives, a lot of changes occur around us. Various substances undergo one type of change or
                 the other. A change refers to the transforma  on of a substance from one form to another. For example, an

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