Page 30 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 30

ice cube when kept in open, changes into water. Similarly, when salt is added to water, it becomes salty.
                 Some other changes that take place in our surroundings include:
                     •  Day changing into night                           •  Changing of seasons
                     • Diges  on of food                                  •  A baby growing into an adult

                     •  Curdling of milk                                  • Rus  ng of iron objects
                     •  Burning of fuels                                  •  Cooking of food

                     • Fermenta  on                                       •  Ripening of fruits
                     • Clo   ng of blood                                  •  A seedling growing into a plant

                                     day and night                             burning of wood           rusted iron object

                         baby and adult                     seedling growing into a plant               melting of butter

                                                         Fig. 2.1:  Changes around us


                                                                                                 Thinking Fountain
                 There are diff erent type of changes observed in nature. Some changes
                                                                                                 Why is ripening of mango
                 result in change in shape, colour, size and posi  on of a substance while
                                                                                                 considered as irreversible
                 some result in a change in state altogether. Some are easy to spot while        change? Is this change
                 some are diffi  cult for us to no  ce. Some are fast that take no   me at all     also desirable?
                 while some are slow and take years to happen.
                 Changes that occur around us can be classifi ed into diff erent categories.

                 These changes can be classifi ed as follows.
                     •  Reversible and irreversible changes               •  Periodic and non-periodic changes

                     •  Desirable and undesirable changes                 •  Slow and fast changes
                     •  Natural and man-made changes                      •  Physical and chemical changes

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