Page 25 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 25


                 BE PROMPT

                 A.  Fill in the blanks.
                       1. Ma  er exists in three states: ___________, ______________ and ___________.

                       2. The par  cles of ma  er are separated by __________________.
                       3.  The ____________________ are negligible in gases.

                       4.  The total mass during a chemical reac  on remains ______________.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.
                       1. Liquids have  fi xed shape and volume.                                      __________________
                       2. The par  cles of ma  er possess poten  al energy.                          __________________

                       3. The par  cles of ma  er in solids are far from each other.                 __________________
                       4.  Magnesium chloride is formed on burning magnesium in air.                 __________________

                 C.  Match the columns.
                           Column A                                       Column B

                       1.  Distance between par  cles of ma  er       (a)  Intermolecular force of a  rac  on
                       2.  Forces of a  rac  on between par  cles     (b)  Mass – neither created nor destroyed
                           of ma  er
                       3.  Mass in a chemical reac  on                (c)  Intermolecular space

                       4.  Law of conserva  on of mass                (d)  Remains constant

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.
                       1.  Three states of ma  er
                       2. Kine  c theory in context to three states of ma  er

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1.  The molecules are closely packed in solids.

                       2.  The molecules are less closely packed in liquids as compared to solids.
                       3.  The molecules are far away from each other in gases.
                       4.  The mass in a chemical reac  on remains constant.
                       5.  Liquids evaporate on hea  ng.

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What is ma  er? What are the three states of ma  er?
                       2.  What does the kine  c molecular theory of ma  er state?

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