Page 26 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 26

3.  Write any two proper  es of solids.
                       4.  What does the law of conserva  on of mass state?
                       5.  Give an example to show conserva  on of mass.

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1.  Solids, liquids and gases

                       2.  Intermolecular force of a  rac  on and intermolecular space
                       3. Conserva  on of mass during a physical change and conserva  on of mass during a chemical change

                 B.  Read the following paragraph. Iden  fy the incorrect parts.
                      The law of construc  on of mass states that mass cannot be created but destroyed. The density of ma  er
                      and the volume occupied by the ma  er remain constant within a system but the mass may vary. The law
                      of conserva  on of mass does not hold because the naturally occurring elements are not stable The atom
                      itself can be created or destroyed.

                 C.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  Write the postulates of the kine  c molecular theory of ma  er.
                       2.  Explain why the par  cles in gases can move away from each other in context to kine  c molecular
                           theory of ma  er.

                       3.  What happens when wood is burnt in air?
                       4.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that mass remains same during a physical change.

                       5.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that mass remains same during a chemical change.

                       6.  Show that total mass of reactants is equal to the total mass of products in a chemical reac  on
                           between barium chloride and sodium sulphate.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   A.  Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                           (i)                               (ii)                           (iii)

                       1. Iden  fy the states of ma  er on the basis of the arrangement of par  cles.
                       2.  Arrange these states of ma  er in descending order on the basis of intermolecular space and
                           intermolecular force of a  rac  on.

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