Page 24 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 24

4.  The total mass of the ________________ is equal to the total mass of the ________________
                          in a chemical reac  on.
                       5.  On burning magnesium in air, ________________ is formed.

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Ma  er:                             Anything that has mass and occupies space

                 Kine  c molecular theory of ma  er:  A theory that states that ma  er consists of very   ny atoms/molecule
                                                     that are constantly in mo  on and possess kine  c energy

                 Intermolecular force of a  rac  on:  Force of a  rac  on that exist between molecules of states of ma  er
                 Intermolecular space:               Distance between molecules of states of ma  er

                      Quick Review

                    •  Ma  er is anything that has mass and occupies space.
                    •  Solid, liquid and gas are the three states of ma  er.

                    •  Solids have fi xed shape and volume.
                    •  Liquids have fi xed volume and they take the shape of the container in which they are poured.

                    •  Gases have no fi xed shape or volume. They take the shape of the container they are kept in.
                    •  The kine  c molecular theory of ma  er states that ma  er consists of very   ny molecules that are
                       constantly in mo  on and possess kine  c energy.
                    •  There exists intermolecular force of a  rac  on between the molecules and the distance between the
                       molecules is called intermolecular space.
                    •  The state of ma  er is decided on the basis of intermolecular force of a  rac  on and intermolecular
                       spaces between the par  cles of ma  er.
                    •  The kine  c molecular theory explains the behaviour of ma  er in diff erent states.

                    •  The law of conserva  on of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed.
                    •  The density of the ma  er and the volume occupied by the ma  er may vary within a system but the
                       mass remains constant.

                    •  The law of conserva  on of mass holds because naturally occurring elements are stable.
                    •  The substances may show change in size, shape, kine  c energy and other proper  es during a physical
                       change but the total mass remains the same.
                    •  The total mass during a chemical reac  on or a chemical change remains the same. We can say that the
                       total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products in a chemical reac  on.

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