Page 28 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 28

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word/a few words.

                       1.  Two examples of solids from your bedroom                         _____________ ___________
                       2.  Two examples of liquids from your surroundings                   _____________ ___________

                       3.  Two examples of gases                                            _____________ ___________

                       4.  The law that states that mass can neither be created
                           nor destroyed                                                    __________________________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Anything that occupies space and has mass is called ma  er.

                       2.  Solids do not occupy space.

                       3.  The molecules in liquids are closely packed.
                       4.  Strong intermolecular force of a  rac  on exists between the par  cles of solids.

                 C.  Explain the following terms.

                       1.  Intermolecular force of a  rac  on
                       2. Intermolecular space

                       3. Kine  c molecular theory of ma  er

                       4.  Law of conserva  on of mass

                 D.  Answer the following ques  ons.

                       1.  How are the three states of ma  er diff erent from each other?
                       2.  Write the postulates of kine  c molecular theory of ma  er.

                       3.  Discuss how does mass of a substance change during a physical change and chemical change.
                       4.  How can you show that mass remains constant during a chemical change or a chemical reac  on?


                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Law of Conserva  on of Mass’. Find the related informa  on
                   and images using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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