Page 31 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 31


                 Changes in which we can get back the original
                 substance by reversing the ac  on are called
                 reversible changes. For example, mel  ng of ice
                 and freezing of water, change in shape and size
                 of a balloon on blowing air in it, adding sugar to
                 water and separa  ng sugar from water by hea  ng,
                 and folding and unfolding of paper are reversible
                                                                       blowing air in a balloon      baking of chapatti
                                                                              Fig. 2.2:  Reversible and irreversible changes
                 Changes in which we cannot get back the original
                 substance by reversing the ac  on are called irreversible changes. For example, burs  ng of balloon, cu   ng
                 of paper and baking of chapa    from dough are irreversible changes.

                           Activity 2.1

                 Aim: To write fi ve examples of reversible changes and fi ve examples of irreversible changes
                 Write fi ve examples of reversible changes and fi ve examples of irreversible changes in your scrapbook.
                 Paste related pictures.


                 Changes that repeat themselves a  er a
                 regular interval of   me and are bound to
                 happen are called periodic changes. For
                 example, rising and se   ng  of  the  sun,
                 changing of seasons and phases of the
                 moon are periodic changes.
                 Changes that do not repeat a  er a regular
                                                                      rising of the sun                 precipitation
                 interval of    me, i.e., occur irregularly
                                                                         Fig. 2.3:  Periodic and non-periodic changes
                 are called  non-periodic changes. For
                 example, precipita  on, earthquake and wil  ng of a plant are some non-periodic changes.


                 Changes that are benefi cial to us are called desirable changes. For example, ripening of fruits, burning of
                 fuels to run automobiles and cooking of food are desirable changes.

                 Changes that are not benefi cial and may bring harm to us are called undesirable changes. For example,
                 occurrence of earthquakes and fl oods, rus  ng of iron and spoilage of food are undesirable changes.

                 SLOW AND FAST CHANGES

                 Changes that take place over a long period of   me are called slow changes. These changes may take
                 hours, days, months or even years to occur. For example, curdling of milk, growth of plants, changing of
                 day into night and rus  ng of iron are slow changes.

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