Page 46 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 46

3              Elements, Compounds and


                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Elements, Compounds
                   •  recall previous knowledge related to elements, compounds and mixtures.
                                                                                                  and Mixtures—A Quick
                   •  classify substances into elements, compounds and mixtures on the basis
                      of their proper  es.
                                                                                               •  Pure Substances
                   •  perform ac  vi  es to separate components of a mixture.
                                                                                               •  Mixtures
                   •  explain the principle involved in using a par  cular technique in separa  ng   •  Separation of Mixtures
                      a mixture.
                                                                                               •  Combining Methods for
                                                                                                  Separating Mixtures

                                                            Warm Up Activity

                   Based on your previous knowledge about elements, compounds and mixtures, answer the following ques  ons.
                   •  Name the simplest form of a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom.   ____________________

                   •  Name the smallest par  cle of an element.  ____________________
                   •  Name the categories into which elements can be broadly divided.  ____________________

                   •  Name a pure substance that is formed when two or more elements chemically combine in a defi nite
                     propor  on by mass. ____________________

                   •  Name a group of atoms held by some force exis  ng together as one species and possessing characteris  c
                     proper  es.  ____________________


                 You have learnt about elements, compounds and mixtures in previous classes. Let’s now revise these

                 Ma  er is anything which has mass and occupies space. Ma  er can be broadly classifi ed into two categories:
                 pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances are further classifi ed as elements and compounds.

                                                                       Ma  er

                                                     Pure Substances                  Mixtures

                                             Elements         Compounds

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