Page 51 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 51

Activity 3.1

                 Aim: To separate the components of a mixture by sieving
                 Materials required: Some fl our, some pulses, container, sieve

                   •  Take some fl our and pulses, and mix them.
                   •  Take a container and place a sieve over it.                                             mixture of fl our
                                                                                                                and pulses
                   •  Put the mixture of fl our and pulses on the sieve.
                   •  Shake the sieve over the container.

                 Observa  on: The fl our passes through the holes in the sieve
                 into the container whereas the pulses are le   behind on the sieve.
                 Conclusion: This shows that a mixture containing components of diff erent sizes can be separated by


                 The method of separa  ng components of a mixture using wind or moving air is
                 called winnowing.

                 The principle of this technique is diff erence in the mass of components under the
                 ac  on of gravity. The mixture contained in a basket is allowed to fall from a height.
                 The heavier component falls almost straight downwards and the lighter component
                 is blown away and forms a separate heap at a distance. Heavier par  cles such as
                 grains are separated from lighter par  cles such as husk and chaff  using winnowing.     Fig. 3.3: Winnowing

                           Activity 3.2

                                                                                                                 mixtures of
                 Aim: To separate the components of a mixture by winnowing                                       pulses and
                                                                                                                 small pieces
                 Materials required: Some gram, small bits of paper, a tray, a                                    of paper
                 tub, a pedestal fan

                   •  Take some gram and mix them with bits of paper.
                   •  Take a tray and put the mixture prepared in this tray.
                   •  Place a large tub on the fl oor.
                   •  Place a pedestal fan near the tub and switch on the fan.
                   •  Stand in front of the fan as shown in the fi gure and hold the tray high directly above the tub.

                   •  Allow the mixture to fall slowly into the tub. Keep shaking the tray from   me to   me as the mixture falls.
                 Observa  on: The bits of paper are blown away and the gram fall into the tub.

                 Conclusion:  This shows that components of a mixture having diff erent masses can be separated by

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