Page 56 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 56

fl ask. When the mixture in the dis  lla  on fl ask is heated, the liquid vaporises and the solid component is
                 le   behind in the fl ask. The vapour of the liquid component condense into pure liquid upon cooling. The
                 pure liquid obtained is collected in a conical fl ask. This method is used to obtain dis  lled water which is
                 used in laboratories for conduc  ng experiments and in ba  eries.

                 The process of separa  ng fi nely suspended solid components
                 in a liquid by spinning the mixture in a closed container is called
                 centrifuga  on. The spinning of the mixture occurs in a machine
                 called a centrifuge.

                 The principle of centrifuga  on is that the heavier par  cles
                 experience larger centrifugal force as compared to the lighter
                 par  cles. In this process, the centrifuge spins rapidly to speed
                 the process. The mixture is put in the test tubes which are kept
                 in the centrifuge. A  er spinning the mixture in the centrifuge,          (a) centrifuge    (b) blood sample
                 the suspended components in the liquid get collected at the                Fig. 3.11: Centrifugation
                 base of the container followed by the separa  on of liquid by the process of decanta  on.

                 Centrifuga  on is used to separate bu  er from milk. It is also used in laboratories to separate blood cells
                 from plasma.
                 Separating Liquid-Liquid Mixtures

                 Using Separating Funnel                                                                         separating

                 A  separa  ng  funnel is a device made up of glass with a tap called                            oil
                 stopcock. The stopcock is a  ached to the bo  om of the funnel and
                 controls the fl ow of liquid.
                 The separa  ng funnel is used to separate a mixture of immiscible liquids,
                 i.e., an emulsion. The principle behind the separa  on of immiscible
                 liquids is that the lighter liquid fl oats above the heavier liquid.

                     • The mixture to be separated is put into a separa  ng funnel and                            water
                        is allowed to se  le.
                                                                                              Fig. 3.12: Separating
                     • A  er some   me, it is observed that the liquids form separate           immiscible liquids
                        layers one above the other.
                     • The liquid forming the lower layer is collected       Know Your Scientist
                        in a container by opening the stopcock.
                                                                             Thomas Graham (1805–1869) worked on the
                     • The stopcock is closed once whole of the              diff usion of gases. His work on diff usion  of
                        liquid in the lower layer is collected in the        gases is called Graham's Law.
                     • The liquid forming the upper layer is collected in another container in the same way.

                 The separa  ng funnel can be used to separate a mixture of oil and water.

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