Page 52 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 52

Magnetic Separation

                 The process used to separate a mixture which has one of the components
                 made up of iron is called magne  c separa  on. The principle of this process,
                 is that the component made up of iron gets a  racted to the magnet and
                                                                                                                mixture of
                 hence can be separated easily. This method can be used to separate a                           iron fi lings
                                                                                                               and sulphur
                 mixture of iron fi lings and sulphur, a mixture of iron and sand, and other
                 such mixtures consis  ng of iron as one component.                              Fig. 3.4: Magnetic separation


                 Gravita  on is the process used for separa  ng a mixture when one
                 component of the mixture is much heavier than water and the other
                 component is much lighter than water.
                                                                                                             sawdust fl oating
                 We can use gravita  on to separate a mixture of sand and sawdust by
                 pu   ng them in water. We observe that sawdust being lighter than
                 water fl oats and sand being heavier than water se  les down. The                            settling of sand
                 sawdust can then be separated by fi ltra  on.                               Fig. 3.5: Gravitation

                 Solvent Extraction

                 The process used to separate components of a mixture based on their rela  ve solubility is called solvent
                 extrac  on. This process is applicable when one of the solid components is soluble in liquid and the other is not.

                 We can separate a mixture of sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium carbonate (CaCO ) using solvent
                 extrac  on. We put a mixture of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate in a beaker containing water. We
                 observe that salt being soluble dissolves in water whereas calcium carbonate being insoluble se  les at
                 the bo  om of the beaker. We can then obtain the salt solu  on by decanta  on, thus leaving the calcium
                 carbonate behind.

                           Activity 3.3

                 Aim: To separate the components of a mixture of calcium carbonate and sodium chloride
                 Materials required: Mixture of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate, a beaker, fi lter paper, conical
                 fl ask, funnel, water

                   •  Take the mixture of calcium carbonate (CaCO ) and sodium
                       chloride (NaCl) in beaker.
                   •  Pour some water into the beaker and s  r it thoroughly un  l all
                       the salt (NaCl) is completely dissolved. Add some more water if     funnel           mixture of CaCO
                                                                                                            mixture of CaCO 3
                       required.                                                         fi lter paper          and Na
                                                                                                               and NaClCl
                   •  Using a fi lter paper, make a cone and place it in the funnel. Set
                       the apparatus as shown in the fi gure.                                                    co
                                                                                                                conical fl asknical fl as
                   •  Pour the content of the beaker into the funnel.
                   •  To separate NaCl from water, heat the conical fl ask to dry up the

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