Page 55 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 55


                 The process of separa  ng a solid dissolved in a liquid to make a solu  on is called crystallisa  on. This is
                 done by warming the solu  on and allowing the solvent to evaporate thus leaving a saturated solu  on.
                 We can obtain pure sugar from its solu  on in water
                 by crystallisa  on. This is done by hea  ng the sugar       Know Your Scientist
                 solu  on in such a way that the water evaporates.           Robert Boyle (1627–1691): Being the  fi rst
                 When very li  le amount of water is le  , the solu  on      modern chemist, Boyle was one of the earliest
                 is cooled. The dissolved sugar separates in the form of     men to apply scien  fi c methods in chemistry
                 crystals on cooling. Crystals are solid par  cles having    and physics.
                 defi nite shape and size. The sugar crystals obtained
                 are cubical and shiny in appearance.

                 Froth Floatation

                 The technique of froth fl oata  on is used for the separa  on                                   air pumped
                                                                                                                into the tank
                 of gangue from ore par  cles. It is based on the principle
                 of  preferen  al we   ng of components of a mixture. In this                                       ore-rich
                 process, a suitable liquid (pine oil) and water are mixed with                                      froth
                                                                                                                   overfl ows
                 powdered ore and compressed air is allowed to pass through
                 it. Due to the absorbed liquid, the weight of the gangue
                 par  cles increases. As a result, the lighter component (ore)
                 fl oats in the form of froth over the mixture and the heavier                                   heavy gangue
                 component (gangue) se  les down. This froth can be easily
                                                                                  Fig. 3.9: Separating ore from gangue
                 drained out. The heavier component can be obtained by

                 This technique is used for concentra  on of sulphide ores such as galena (ore of lead) and zinc blende
                 (ore of zinc). In this process, pine oil, sodium ethyl xanthate (or potassium ethyl xanthate) and water are
                 mixed with pulverised ore in a tank, and compressed air is allowed to pass through the tank. The passing
                 of compressed air leads to the forma  on of a bubbly froth that consists of pine oil and ore. The water
                 wets the gangue (muddy impuri  es) due to which it becomes heavy. The gangue se  les down and the ore
                 par  cles trapped in the pine oil fl oat on the surface of water.


                 The process of separa  ng a liquid from a soluble            vapours        thermometer
                 component by selec  ve  evapora  on  and
                                                                                              water out  condenser
                 condensa  on is called dis  lla  on.
                                                                                                           water in
                 This process of separa  on is based on the
                 principle of diff erence in the boiling points of      distillation
                 the components of a mixture. The component              fl ask                                    conical
                 with a lower boiling point evaporates before the                                                 fl ask
                 component with a higher boiling point. Dis  lla  on                                               pure liquid
                 is performed in a special round bo  omed
                                                                                       Fig. 3.10: Distillation
                 dis  lla  on  fl ask. A condenser is  fi   ed into the

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