Page 90 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 90

A covalent bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between non-metals.

                   Oxygen molecule: Oxygen atom (2,6) combines with another oxygen atom by sharing two electrons
                   to form oxygen molecule.

                                        O                     O                      O            O

                              Oxygen atom (2,6)  +  Oxygen atom (2,6)            Oxygen molecule

                      Take a Break!

                       Write/Choose the correct answer.

                       1.  Name the subatomic par  cles of an atom.
                       2.  The extra-nuclear region of an atom consists of electrons. (True/False)
                       3.  Atomic number is the number of neutrons present inside the nucleus of an atom. (True/False)

                       4.  The sum total of ___________ and ___________ is known as mass number of an element.
                       5.  If the atomic number of nitrogen is 7, then the number of protons present in it will also be 7.
                       6.  If the mass number of aluminium is 27 and its atomic number is 13, then the number of neutrons
                          present in it would be _____________.
                       7.  The _____________ of an element have same atomic number.
                       8.  The outermost shell of an atom can accommodate _____________ electrons.

                       9.  Oxygen donates two electrons and becomes an oxygen ion. (True/False)
                       10.  Ammonium is an example of a radical. (True/False)
                       11.  A _____________ is formed when two atoms combine.

                     12.  A _____________ bond is formed by the sharing of electrons.

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Discharge tube:             A cylindrical glass tube with sealed electrodes at each end

                 Cathode:                    A metal plate connected to the nega  ve terminal of the voltage source
                 Anode:                      A metal plate connected to the posi  ve terminal of the voltage source

                 Cathode rays:               A stream of rays originated from the cathode

                 Electrons:                  Nega  vely charged par  cles that revolve around the nucleus in  fi xed  energy

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